IPG Creates Sales!
The Wholesale Club, SuperCenter, High End Supermarket and Specialty Retail industries are complex, creating challenges for the largest to the smallest suppliers seeking to break into these retail formats.
We have the experience, expertise, vision and technical knowledge you need to help build successful supplier sales volume with Clubs, SuperCenter, High End Supermarkets and Specialty retailer. We will prepare you for the rigorous presentation requirements and stay involved throughout the review process to insure that your company shows its best abilities in pursuing opportunities with the Club, SuperCenter, High End Supermarket and Specialty Retail buyers and management.
Our executives and associates average more than 30 years of experience selling to these High volume industries. They are known and respected by these retailers, their management and buyers.
It all starts with a vision: develop our supplier's image!
Perception is reality, if potential customers can't quickly understand who you are (and what you're selling) in 10 seconds you're losing business. IPG can assess your strength and craft a message that clearly demonstrates what you're all about!
Corporate Image Development
Corporate & Product Messaging
Logos and Tag-lines
Competitive Analysis
Creative Concepts
Style Guides
Analyst & Media Relations
First, our team develops, in concert with the supplier, innovative marketing programs, pricing and packaging. With its superior understanding of the retailers, markets, business philosophies, and customer base, our team positions the supplier for maximum exposure to the right buyers, demographics and consumers.
With its up-to-date knowledge of inventory control systems, Retail Link, EDI, Orbit and other software and hardware platforms, our team has done the hard work of penetrating the confusing maze of sales requirements to enter these lucrative industries. Essential parts of these markets are computerized pallet designs, master case design and eye-catching graphics for "sell units." If your company is not up to speed on these elements, you need Innovative Products Group & Associates.
Placing the product is not where the job ends!
Our team consistently reviews sales and monitors promotions to keep suppliers informed. By staying abreast of competitive situations related to pricing, promotions, and new products, we work with suppliers to quickly meet competitive challenges and thereby sustain their sales growth. We analyze supplier and retailer reports, suggest program changes, correct problem areas and advise on new distribution opportunities.